Christian Falkensteiner's Citroën Pictures
Citroën DS/ID Berline
(larger than H0 scale)
(Page 2: Majorette - Minialuxe)
Click on a picture to view it in full size.
Majorette 13-A
lt. blue
orange int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
lt. blue
orng./lt. blue int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
lt. blue Taxi
orange disc wheels
thx to
F. Hermans
Majorette 13-A
met. green
tan int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
met. green Ecole
orange disc wheels
thx to
F. Hermans
Majorette 13-A
met. lime
orange int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
met. lime
orng./lt. blue int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
met. lime
lt. blue/orng. int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
bronze "18"
orange disc wheels
thx to
F. Hermans
Majorette 13-A
orange disc wheels
pic by
Henri Kroeze
Majorette 13-A
met. red
orng./lt. blue int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
met. red
lt. blue int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
met. red
lt. blue/orng. int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
met. tan
lt. blue/orng. int.
orange disc wheels
Majorette 13-A
met. blue & cream
custom by
Robert Glinz
Majorette 213-A
orange int.
sil.-gray disc wheels
Majorette 213-A
orng./lt. blue int.
sil.-gray disc wheels
Majorette 213-A
met. lime
orng. int.
sil.-gray disc wheels
Majorette 213-A
met. lime
orng./lt. blue int.
sil.-gray disc wheels
Majorette 213-A
met. lime
lt. blue/orng. int.
sil.-gray disc wheels
Majorette 213-A
met. red
orng./lt. blue int.
sil.-gray disc wheels
Majorette 213-A
met. red
lt. blue int.
sil.-gray disc wheels
Majorette 213-A
met. red
lt. blue/orng. int.
sil.-gray disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
orange int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
dk. blue
tan int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. blue
orange int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. blue
orng./lt. blue int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. blue
lt. blue int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. blue
lt. green int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
dk. met. blue
lt. green int., disc wh.
pic by
M. Martinez
Majorette 213-B
met. blue
tan int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. green
lt. blue int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. green
orange int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. green
lt. green int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. lime
orange int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. lime
orng./lt. blue int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. lime
lt. blue/orng. int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. red
lt. blue int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. red
orange int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. red
orng./lt. blue int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. red
lt. green int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. red
tan int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
orng./lt. blue int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
lt. green int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
orange int.
disc wheels
Majorette 213-B
lt. blue
white int.
thc5 wheels
Majorette 213-B
dk. blue
tan int.
thc15 wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. blue
tan int.
thc15 wheels
Majorette 213-B
tan int.
thc15 wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. green
tan int., thc15 wh.
pic from eBay
Majorette 213-B
tan int.
thc15 wheels
Majorette 213-B
met. red
tan int.
thc15 wheels
Majorette 213-B
tan int.
thc5 wheels
Majorette 213-B
lt. olive
tan int.
thc15 wheels
Majorette 213-B
tan int., thc15 wh.
pic by
D. Moerdijk
Majorette 213-B
disc wheels
Majorette 253C-A
white & green
black hubcaps
Majorette 253C-A
white & green
silver hubcaps
Majorette 253C-A
black & cream
silver hubcaps
Majorette 253C-A
silver hubcaps
Majorette 253C-A
red, whi. & blue
black hubcaps
Majorette 253C-A
whi. & dk. blue "87"
silver hubcaps
Majorette 253C-A
whi. & blk. Police
silver hubcaps
Majorette 253D-A
red, whi. & yel.
lt. blue
gray wheels
lt. green
white wheels
lt. yellow
gray wheels
dk. green
with roof light
thx to
F. Hermans
black tires
pic by
B. Blay
gray tires
thx to
M. Sablerolle
lt. blue
black tires
thx to
F. Hermans
black tires
Matchbox LR 66-A
gray wheels
crimped axles
Matchbox LR 66-A
gray wheels
riveted axles
Matchbox LR 66-A
silver wheels
riveted axles
Matchbox LR 66-A
gray wheels
pic by
Mathias Zogg
Matchbox LR 66-A
black & yellow
Matchbox LR 66-A
white & yellow
thx to
F. Hermans
Matchbox LR 66-A
yellow w/ decals
thx to
F. Hermans
Matchbox LR 66-A
custom by
Robert Glinz
Matchbox LR 66-A
white & met. blue
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox LR 66-A
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox LR 66-A
red 176
custom & pic by
F.-J. Pauly
Matchbox LR 66-A
blue 195
custom & pic by
F.-J. Pauly
Matchbox MW 735
red, lace wheels
pic from MCCH
Matchbox MW 735
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
black "Göttin"
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
black Taxi
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
black MICA
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
sil. & blk. MICA
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
Leipzig 2010
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
Mattel Toy Fair 2011
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
60 / DS 1955
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
black w/disc wheels
custom & pic by
Chris Pryor
Matchbox MW 735
black w/5sp wheels
custom & pic by
J. v. Leliveld
Matchbox MW 735
met. green
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
met. green "Göttin"
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
met. green Taxi
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
met. green
Leipzig 2010
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
met. green
Mattel Toy Fair 2011
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
green w/blk. disc wh.
custom & pic by
J. v. Leliveld
Matchbox MW 735
slate blue
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
slate blue
ringed disc wheels
redesigned headlts.
Matchbox MW 735
slate blue "Göttin"
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
dk. met. maroon
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
lt. olive
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
med. olive
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
lt. olive
Leipzig 2010
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
lt. olive
Mattel Toy Fair 2011
cut tri-sp wheels
Matchbox MW 735
met. tan
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
met. tan
Leipzig 2010
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
met. tan
Mattel Toy Fair 2011
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
met. tan
Leipzig 2013
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
white & red
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
white & red
Leipzig 2010
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
white & dk. blue
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
white & dk. blue
Leipzig 2010
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
white & dk. blue
Mattel Toy Fair 2011
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
white & yellow
characters on roof
Matchbox MW 735
white & yellow
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
white & yellow
Leipzig 2013
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
gray & green
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
pink & orange
pic by
Dirk Schleuer
Matchbox MW 735
white & yellow
ringed disc wheels
Matchbox MW 735
white & red
custom by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
black & maroon
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white & yellow
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
dk. & lt. blue
custom by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white & lt. blue
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white & lt. blue
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white & silver-blue
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
black & silver-blue
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white "53"
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white Marilyn
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white w/ red cross
custom by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
yellow Police
red roof lights
cust. & pic by
A. McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
yellow Police
blue & red roof lts.
custom by
A. McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
blk. & yel. Taxi
yellow roof sign
cust. & pic by
A. McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
blk. & yel. Taxi
colorless roof sign
custom by
A. McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
red & sil.-gray Taxi
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
yellow pickup
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white & blue w/ trailer
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
black & red push/pull
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
white w/ propellers
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
red car transporter
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
black Batmobile
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
sil.-gray w/dome
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
blue w/dome
custom & pic by
Andy McCoy
Matchbox MW 735
black Taxi
custom by
F.-J. Pauly
Matchbox MW 735
blue-grn. & blk. Taxi
custom by
F.-J. Pauly
Matchbox MW 735
yel. & blk. Taxi
custom by
F.-J. Pauly
Matchbox MW 735
red & blk. Taxi
custom by
F.-J. Pauly
Minialuxe 100
dk. gray & sil.-gray
Minialuxe 100
cream & lt. blue
Minialuxe 100
white & lt. yellow
Minialuxe 100
white & black
Minialuxe 107
cream & met. orng.
Minialuxe 107
cream & lt. met. blue
Minialuxe 107
white & dk. blue
H0 scale and smaller
Page 1: ADMC - Johnny Lightning
Page 3: Norev - Zylmex
Citroën index